Monday, February 25, 2008

Be happy with work and workplace !

I find people too much unhappy at work, at home , or both.
It's human! Even I have similar feeling sometimes.

You too might have heard such thigs like "I don't feel like going to office today...They don't give quality work"
"I am being overloaded with so much work"
"The work doesn't interest me!"
"My boss is unsporting..doesn't realise my work"
Why does it happen to me only?
"I am not able to devote time to me/family"
.So on and so forth...The list is endless.

There are a lot of reasons they quote for their unhappiness. But, on closely observing these citations, I can infer few points. People are unhappy because of either or all of these points (and may be a few more):

1) Quality of Work
2) Quantity of Work
3) Lack of Interest
4) Poor Appreciation
5) Other miscellaneous points like Work-Life balance etc.
6) Favouritism AND being unlucky :)

If you had some time to go through the traits mentioned here, the last lines say
Lord of himself, though not of lands;

And having nothing, yet hath all.

I love this poem, for its simple rules to lead a Happy Life. Most of us would agree with this poem only if we could resist our rational practicality coming in between. Some of us might say this is theory....In fast moving world, governed by laws and lawmakers, it is not possible to lead the life with such principles. How many us would want to lead a life with 'Having Nothing'?

Let me tell you, it is not that difficult to lead a happy life. I am flooding with ideas at this point..not sure how many of these will I be able to put in here.

First thing first. We see what we want to see. This is because of our perception. Sometimes we perceive with our senses (Common sense included, for namesake), sometimes with past experiences, sometimes with advices and sometimes with pre-conceived notions. To see the ,world in general and workplace/work in particular, in better light, we need to change our outlook.
As they say Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
same is the case with our perception. I do agree that one man's food MIGHT be another man's poison...but yet we need to be pretty sure about the two. It shouldn't be the case as if we may just feel/think that a thing is food OR poison. We should be sure about it. And if we are not, then its time we improved our skills. And the first point is to master the art of being flexible and more open. See things in positive light.

Second thing learn to ignore. Did I write correctly? Indeed, haven't we heard Ignorance is a bliss!!. Yes, it is. Again it depends on perception and how well we judge the situation. But yes, whenever you feel irritated or unhappy about something, just think for a second...or take your time and try to find answer to one simple question : Is the issue over which you are not-so-happy is worthy of spending your precious resources (Time, Energy, Sometimes money etc)? If the answer is yes, you have a right to be unhappy!! But if no, then leave worries aside or in other words, ignore them. Walk past the worries and go to first step.

I cannot touch all the points mentioned 1-6 above. Just a quick wrap-around work for all of these. Quantity of the work is again a perceived thing. For some it is always endless...some manage it carefully so as not to get overloaded. The logic behind this is in the approaches followed. One might do smart working - e.g. using tools to complement his work, may use better time management and work prioritization skills. Learn from the smart workers the art of working smartly. Not only you will perceive the work as lesser in amount, you will also note that you can get time for yourself/family.
Favouritism can only be tackled by good work...The quality speaks for itself. If you change your perception to somehow create interest in the 'Uninteresting things', you might prove your flexibility by tackling the otherwise dull work related issues and get appreciation for the same. It is not necessary that appreciation means good work but good work begets or later. Be patient! You are not unlucky. Everyone is special in some or the other way. Improve quality of work from your side.

So the major points are:
1)Improve Perception
2)Learn to ignore
3)Work hard to learn how to work smart
4)Create interest in work
5)Appreciation will come by...Don't wait for it. Do your work with efficiency,quality and positivity.
6)Any other which you could make out because I am exhausted at this hour.

See you later!! Thanks for reading.
Till then Don't worry, Be happy.

1 comment:

Aroj said...

I agree that we shud look at things in positive light..but for me the feeling of discontent, disatisfaction is an indication that things need to change..or that I need to grow to another level..its like when u play a game, and u enjoy it a lot, but then u have to move onto the next level, else its no fun...

so disatisfaction is a pointer to move something bigger...